About me

Hi, I am Shakil. I am a software engineer and currently working as a 3D developer at Vention. I am part of the MachineBuilder team which is a web CAD platform for industrial automation. My work ranges from solving 3D geometric problems to solving graph related problem to creating client side tools. Solving problems is what makes me excited and seeing my work taking shape is what makes me satisfied. Programming has been my passion since the first day I wrote "Hello World" and I feel lucky to have it as my profession. I like to spend my time learning new technologies and integrate them in my work if they will be impactful.

Recent Work

Online 3D Reconstruction Using Fiducials

Using a Qt based GUI user can reconstruct indoor scenes

Iterative Closest Point

3D Registration of Two Point Clouds

Restaurant Recommender

A Restaurant Recommendation System Trained On Yelp Dataset


An npm library implementing kabsch algorithm